Part 4
well then I just must be super lucky, cause that was my second try. SUCKA!Sworder posted:
I don't think it's beating the catfish within 3 or 4 turns that gets you the catfigh stone. I must've fought the thing 20 times, beating it on the third turn without getting it. Then I hacked my experience to get level 99, killed him in one hit, and still nothing.
Today we do something with a crown, today's update is titled: Worst.Thieves.Ever
Foomy REALLY wants this knife, as it is flashing gray.
I only got 3 or 4 bars, but sometimes you can get tons this way. Of course, now he'll never ask for it again.
The castles actually look sweet in this game, and actually look like castles.
Oh sweet, the crown on public display! Nothing bad can come of this.
Guarded by the king himself! No one would ever try to steal it!
Aw I hope no one stole the crown I haven't even seen it yet!
I'm not going to type out this whole scene, because that would involve giving them all emoticons. So here's the jist of it:
King- Oh no what's wrong with it?
Soldier- we have reason to believe it was replaced with a fake! We'll take this crown and go show it to an expert k.
Oh shit, turns out they were fake soldiers! Who knew?
Well anyway, they are SUPPOSEDLY famous thieves, but they suck. Anyway, they produce a bomb, which ends up blowing them away instead. Being comic relief characters, they're fine and they get away with the crown anyway oh no
Oh no there he goes! They're escaping to the basement for some reason.
Wow they suck at holding people up.
Oh shit there are monsters down here! Fucking bugs! Rargh!
I wonder if I can blow up this wall? It makes a different sound when I hit it with my sword.
Okay well there are two jokes I was going to make here:
IT'S A MAD HORSE! (like Mad house, get it? No? Anthrax. . . )
No, Lois; HORSES are terrible people.
Anyway, they drop horse rocks, which are pretty good but I didn't get one.
An easy block puzzle. I push this block onto this switch. . .
Which moves the wall. . .
And now I can push this block down here! Behind this door is. . .
BOMBS! Straight outta Hyrule, we get bombs to blow up walls, crates, whatever. THey explode six steps after you place them, and since sword swings count as steps, you can also just swing your sword six times. The bomb doesn't hurt you if it goes off near you or anything.
Bomb is in my skill ring. It should be highlited but uh yeah. Also you can see reset there.
It actually kinda looks like bomberman bombs. Anyway, I blew open this wall.
Another place I need like a rope or something.
Putting this pot onto this switch extended the bridge on the right side, so I can go across.
I already bought this for Tia, so I can feed it to Foomy. MMM, yummy!
Oh shit, a BIG bat. Not much more fearsome than the regular bat.
Yay, save point with healy tiles!
One room, two locked doors, two switches, ONLY ONE POT! I can open one door at a time, the north door takes me to:
This will be useful for leaving this place when I'm done, cause I'm not walking out fuck that.
Okay, there are six yellow blocks, five blue, and five red. Which means I have to eliminate all the blue and reds in one go (they dissapear in groups of three) and the yellows in two. This can be done in four steps (I'll admit, it took me about four tries to get it right):
Yeah I got stuck on that as a kid. Not as bad as some of the later ones though.
This is through that door, better armor for Tia that has a healing IP skill, which is good. OKay past the spikes I find:
They look more like bulls, but anything to promote the city of Buffalo I guess!
Damn that was harder than the colored tiles! TOLD YOU!
One teleporter, four switches, one pot. Each switch takes you to a different room. I started with the upper left and went counter-clockwise for some strange reason.
New enemies! They like to run in straight lines and move every time you move.
Apparently they're a metallic element or something. Anyway, I think they meant Kobold, but that's just me. They're the strongest enemies I've faced so far.
Apparently I need to push those blocks onto those switches, which will lower those spikes and let me continue. Actually that path to the right there leads to the original room with the teleporter, yeah, I should go push that.
Okay next is the lower left switch.
Oh noesz, lifting this crate lets me get to a treasure chest in the room, but it also raises these spikes, making it impossible to leave, if only I could destroy the crate while it's on the switch so I can escape the spikes, and get the treasure. . . oh wait I can I have bombs.
Yay, it's our old pal! Dragon Eggs are way better in this game, mostly because there are only three wishes you can get, you can only get each once, and when the Egg Dragon scatters the eggs, they only go to already opened boxes in places you've been. There's a way to check for unopened boxes that I'll get later.
That room also let me push this block down, lowering the spikes. I still have two teleporter rooms left!
This room has a lilttle mini spike maze, the type where the spikes only come up when you're in proximity of them. So you can't just predict the path. Anyway, at the end is
I'll explain more about fruits in a post I'm going to make all about capsule monsters. But they're to be fed to capsule monsters, and there's one fruit for each element. Secret Fruit is for Foomy.
Also, behind that cracked wall in the same room is
In the final room, there's a horse that moves the opposite direction you move, every time you make a move. You move left, he moves right, you move up, he moves down, etc. Anyway, you have to trap him so that you can kill him to get the treasure, it's kinda complicated and hard to explain. Anyway, the treasure is
It deals light damage, which is like holy, and has the IP light attack, which is good against evil and undead enemies. EVIL MONSTERS!
Past those spikes, I find
Oh noesz! Hey wait I fought this exact enemy in the first game! And both sprites looks retarded, man what are the odds?
Oh they're going to escape through the waterway I guess.
Does that ever work?
Oh noesz! He hits a switch that raises the middle barrier!
I guess that other switch must make the water come! It's going to wash us away oh no what will we do?!?
. . . Okay well that didn't work well for them.
He actually said that, and boy is he right.
CROWN GET! Let's use an escape to get out and give it to the king.
It's cause I'm so badass.
The king also offers me a reward, and gives me these choices:
Those are tempting choices, but I think I'm going to go with nothing. Good deeds are just how I roll
Yeah, if I had demanded money I'd only get like 1000. Tee hee.
I guess we should continue on to the next town, right?
Her brother is probably some lame NPC anyway, who cares. But I mean, I do need to get through here.
Why would he take that to a monster infested cave anyway?!
Damn it, I guess I do have to do a fetch quest to get this back. I'll bet he's all the way at the back of the cave or something and I'll have to solve puzzles and fight ferocious monsters to find him blah. . .
EDIT: I'd like to point out that I was wrong about Tia, her INT is decent but her really high stat is AGL, she gains like 8 AGL points per level, JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!
Sorry guys, this will be my last update before I go on vacation. But I'll be back to updating some time next week, and then after I get home I'll update regularly until I finish the game. I'm going to post a bit about capsule monsters either tonight or tomorrow, with the pictures of all of them and their different "classes" so you can name them and shit. And I'll explain about the terrible Secret of Fruit and the M classes, and what makes them special, and why only fruit pushing robots can save humanity. Or something.